Friday, August 2, 2013
discovery base lerning
Discovery-Based Learning Faculty Resources Discovery-based learning is just one of several 'student centered' instructional methodologies being implemented in classrooms today. Other methods that fall within this style of curriculum design are inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, research-based learning, and project-based learning to name a few. Although very subtle differences determine which technical category a particular implementation may belong in, they all provide an 'active learning' environment where students learn by doing. STEPMT will provide funding in the form of faculty reassign time to enable STEM departments to rework courses to include discovery-based and other active learning techniques. 1 Inquiry Based Learning 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Benefits of Inquiry-Based Instruction Criteria for a successful inquiry Key Components of the Inquiry Process Criteria for Problem Question Selection Inquiry-Based Instruction: Theory Activity #1: Activity #2: Activity #3: Activity #4: Activity #5: Activity #6: Inquiry-based instruction is a student-centered and teacher-guided instructional approach that engages students in investigating real world questions that they choose within a broad thematic framework. Inquiry-Based instruction complements traditional instruction by providing a vehicle for extending and applying the learning of students in a way that connects with their interests within a broader thematic framework. Students acquire and analyze information, develop and support propositions, provide solutions, and design technology and arts products that demonstrate their thinking and make their learning visible. Research shows that the amount of student learning that occurs in a classroom is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of student involvement in the educational program (Cooper and Prescott 1989). Yet research studies indicate that teachers typically dominate classroom conversation, consuming nearly 70% of classroom time. Inquiry-based instructional approaches reverse this trend, placing students at the helm of the learning process and teachers in the role of learning facilitator, coach, and modeler. The Benefits of Inquiry-Based Instruction (Back to top) • teaches problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and disciplinary content • promotes the transfer of concepts to new problem questions • teaches students how to learn and builds self-directed learning skills • develops student ownership of their inquiry and enhances student interest in the subject matter Criteria for a successful inquiry(Back to top) (borrowed from Jeffrey Wilhelm, author of "You Gotta Be The Book" and "Hyperlearning") 1. Start with a guided exploration of a topic as a whole class. 2. Proceed to student small group inquiry about an open-ended, debatable, contended issue. 3. Encourage students to ask personally relevant and socially significant questions. 4. Work in groups to achieve diversity of views. 5. Predict, set goals, define outcomes. 6. Find or create information...look for patterns. 7. Instruction serves as a guide to help students meet their goals. 8. Create a tangible artifact that addresses the issue, answers questions, and makes learning visible and accountable. 9. Learning is actualized and accountable in the design accomplishment. 10. Arrive at a conclusion...take a stand...take action. 11. Document, justify, and share conclusion with larger audience. Key Components of the Inquiry Process(Back to top) (elements adapted from Jeffrey Wilhelm's work on inquiry-based instruction) 1. Activating Prior Knowledge • KWL • Opinionaires • Engaging students in a conversation about what they already know By bringing the students' own background and experiences to the learning table, students will find ways to connect to the topic and will have activated some basis for creating meaning with the text they are reading. The personal connection to learning increases a student's motivation to explore, read, and struggle with difficulties as they arise. 2. Providing Background Information articles museum exhibits audio recording videos book primary source material web site photograph art Students need to know something about the topic to be able to perceive and formulate meaningful inquiries. 3. Defining Outcomes for which students will be held accountable. For example: Technology: conduct research on the web; create PowerPoint presentations or web sites; communicate using e-mail; import photos and clip art for presentations; use digital camera, digital audio recorder, and video recorder. Reading: identify main idea and authors point of view; identify key concepts; increase understanding of vocabulary; extract meaning between the lines (infer) Inquiry: define problem question; find and gather data; analyze, compare, organize, and synthesize data; create a proposition; support proposition (facts, stats, examples, expert authority, logic and reasoning); propose solutions and action steps Team: listen, consider others' ideas, encourage, provide coaching, affirm, question, cooperate, demonstrate individual responsibility, avoid put-downs, engage in dialogue Project Management: set goals, agree on tasks and roles, meet deadlines, prioritize tasks Students need to know up front exactly what's expected of them. 4. Modeling Design Product Outcomes (technology, art); Providing Frameworks Show students a PowerPoint presentation, a web site, a proposition-support framework, a museum exhibit, a choreographed dance performance, etc. Students need to see models of what it is they are being asked to do. They must have a supporting structure which provides a grounding for their creations, but doesn't limit their creativity. 5. Establishing a general topic or inquiry ex- What happens when the structure around people breaks down? (unit on the great depression) ex- How are human beings adversely impacting our planet? (exploring environmental issues which impact the Amazon Rain Forest) A broad problem question or topic provides students with a general focus for selecting more specific inquiries. 6. Student teams conduct background research and define focused problem questions within broader inquiry or topic Without a knowledge base or some degree of familiarity with the topic, it will be difficult for students to develop relevant inquiries within the broad topic area. Students need to be provided with background material and/or guided to research their own background material. This base will enable them to begin to formulate a big picture understanding of the broad topic area, and then to select a specific inquiry interest which connects to the broader topic. 7. Establish and communicate inquiry presentation framework. Example: Proposition-Support Framework a) state problem question b) develop proposition which can be argued c) provide background information d) support proposition with: • facts • statistics • examples • expert authority • logic and reasoning • e) propose solutions and action ideas 8. Refer students back to expected outcomes and inquiry framework to create alignment between their presentations and intended outcomes. 9. Ask students a lot of questions to help them refine their thinking and guide their research. 10 Support technology (PowerPoint, Web Site, Hyperstudio) and art design product creation. 11. Empower students to coach and train one another within their teams. 12. Provide a forum for student presentations which includes students, teachers, parents, and community members. 13. Provide vehicles for student participation in action projects which connect their learning to specific action. 14. Incorporate ongoing, meaningful peer and teacher assessment. 15 Reflect on what worked and what didn't, and try it again. Criteria for Problem Question Selection(Back to top) 1. Is it personally relevant and socially significant? Is the student truly interested in the question? 2. Is it researchable? 3. Is it big enough and small enough? Inquiry-Based Instruction: Theory(Back to top) Activity #1: Read theory and rational behind inquiry-based instruction. Reflect on your own learning experiences. Write a journal reflection on your learning experiences and how they are different from or similar to an inquiry-based approach to learning. Inquiry-Based Instruction: Exploring the components of the inquiry-based learning process.(Back to top) Step #1: Accessing Prior Student Knowledge Activity #2: Complete the following opinionaire on the Amazon. This opinionaire is an example of a technique for accessing prior student knowledge. Activity Name: Survivor: The Amazon Challenge Task: Pretend you are lost in the deep recesses of the Amazon rainforest. The only way out is to convince locals that you know what you’re talking about when it comes to the Amazon. Fortunately for you, they are a forgiving group, and are willing to help you along the way. But first, you and your team are on your own to answer these questions. Good luck! ________________________________________ Survivor: The Amazon Challenge Within your team, answer the following questions to the best of your ability. For those questions you answer that are not correct, you will have a second opportunity to answer correctly by using the Amazon Student Research link at Good luck! § For indigenous cultures that are on the endangered cultures list, what is the maximum number of living members they must have to be placed on the list? § How many species of fish have been found in the Amazon basin? § Match the following medicinal plants with their characteristics: A. Amazon Cats Claw 1. Fights AIDS and cancer B. Valerium 2. Balances blood sugar; helps diabetics C. Guarana Shrub 3. Helps with sleep disorders D. Pata de Vaca 4. 5 times more caffeine than coffee § The Amazon basin holds ________ per cent of the world’s fresh water (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30), and the Amazon River pours 55 million gallons of water per ________ (second, minute, hour, day) into the ________ (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian) Ocean. § The Amazon is home to the only species of freshwater sharks. True/False § Of all the animals that local Amazon River dwellers talk about the most in terms of fearing physical injury, this Amazon River species tops the list. What is it? § The original Amazon rainforest has been cut back by ________ (4-7; 7-10; 11-14; 13-16; 18-21; 25-30) per cent. The current rate of deforestation in the Amazon is roughly 13,000 acres per day or ________ (5, 8, 11, 14, 20, 26, 33) football fields per minute. § What role does the tambaqui fish play in regenerating the Amazon rainforest? § Which Brazilian city in the heart of the Amazon was once the richest city in the world, and how did it achieve that status? § Name that Amazon animal: It is slow as molasses, swims in the water, and eats like a monkey. To find answers to the questions you couldn’t answer, click on Activity #3: Complete the following KWL grid. What do you know about the Amazon? What do you want to know? What have you learned? (Back to top) Use this chart during your study of the Amazon. First write what you know about the Amazon. Then write what you would like to know about the Amazon. At the end of your study write the most important things you learned. Amazon KWL What I know What I want to know What I’ve learned Step #2 – Building Background Knowledge Activity #4: Click on the link below to access the On-Line Expeditions Amazon 2003 web site. Go to: Amazon Student Research and do a general exploratory review of listed web site links under the different curricular themes. Begin thinking about a particular inquiry or question you would like to explore. Again go to: (Back to top) Activity #5: Select one additional resource to build background knowledge. Review the material you select and consider an inquiry or question you would like to explore. Go to: Amazon Curriculum Starter Kit (Back to top) Step #3 – Developing Your Inquiry Activity #6: Develop a question that you would like to pursue within a particular discipline that relates to the broad theme of the Amazon. Consider the following criteria for developing your question: (Back to top) 1. Is it personally relevant to you and socially significant? Are you truly interested in the question? 2. Is it researchable? 3. Is it big enough to find information and small enough to be manageable? 4. Is it an issue that can be argued for or against? Examples: Is deforestation in the Amazon something we in Chicago should be concerned about? Why or why not? Is organic food more nutritious than conventionally-raised food? Are the daily administrative, student, and teacher behaviors at my school helping to conserve or degrade our natural environment? Back 2 Problem-based learning Problem-based learning (PBL) is an exciting alternative to traditional classroom learning. With PBL, your teacher presents you with a problem, not lectures or assignments or exercises. Since you are not handed "content", your learning becomes active in the sense that you discover and work with content that you determine to be necessary to solve the problem. In PBL, your teacher acts as facilitator and mentor, rather than a source of "solutions." Problem based learning will provide you with opportunities to • examine and try out what you know • discover what you need to learn • develop your people skills for achieving higher performance in teams • improve your communications skills • state and defend positions with evidence and sound argument • become more flexible in processing information and meeting obligations • practice skills that you will need after your education A Summary of Problem-Based Learning: This is a simplified model--more detailed models are referenced below. The steps can be repeated and recycled. Steps two through five may be repeated and reviewed as new information becomes available and redefines the problem. Step six may occur more than once--especially when teachers place emphasis on going beyond "the first draft." 1. Explore the issues: Your teacher introduces an "ill-structured" problem to you. Discuss the problem statement and list its significant parts. You may feel that you don't know enough to solve the problem but that is the challenge! You will have to gather information and learn new concepts, principles, or skills as you engage in the problem-solving process. 2. List "What do we know?" What do you know to solve the problem? This includes both what you actually know and what strengths and capabilities each team member has. Consider or note everyone's input, no matter how strange it may appear: it could hold a possibility! 3. Develop, and write out, the problem statement in your own words: A problem statement should come from your/the group's analysis of what you know, and what you will need to know to solve it. You will need: • a written statement • the agreement of your group on the statement • feedback on this statement from your instructor. (This may be optional, but is a good idea) Note: The problem statement is often revisited and edited as new information is discovered, or "old" information is discarded. 4. List out possible solutions List them all, then order them from strongest to weakest Choose the best one, or most likely to succeed 5. List actions to be taken with a timeline • What do we have to know and do to solve the problem? • How do we rank these possibilities? • How do these relate to our list of solutions? Do we agree? 6. List "What do we need to know?" Research the knowledge and data that will support your solution You will need to information to fill in missing gaps. • Discuss possible resources Experts, books, web sites, etc. • Assign and schedule research tasks, especially deadlines If your research supports your solution, and if there is general agreement, go to (7). If not, go to (4) 7. Write up your solution with its supporting documentation, and submit it. You may need to present your findings and/or recommendations to a group or your classmates. This should include the problem statement, questions, data gathered, analysis of data, and support for solutions or recommendations based on the data analysis: in short, the process and outcome. Presenting and defending your conclusions: The goal is to present not only your conclusions, but the foundation upon which they rest. Prepare to • State clearly both the problem and your conclusion • Summarize the process you used, options considered, and difficulties encountered • Convince, not overpower Bring others to your side, or to consider without prejudice your supporting documentation and reason • Help others learn, as you have learned • If challenged and you have an answer, present it clearly and you don't have an answer, acknowledge it and refer it for more consideration Sharing your findings with teachers and students is an opportunity in demonstrating that you have learned. If you know your subject well, this will be evident. If a challenge arises that you cannot respond to, accept it as an opportunity to be explored. However, take pride in your attention to quality when you present. See also the Guide on presenting projects. 8. Review your performance This debriefing exercise applies both to individuals and the group. Take pride in what you have done well; learn from what you have not done well. Thomas Edison took pride in unsuccessful experiments as part of his journey to successful outcomes! 9. Celebrate your work! Classroom learning series Preparing for the classroom | Class "prep"/paying attention | Classroom discussions | Taking notes in lectures | Influencing teachers | Interviewing for class projects | Consent form for interviews | Problem based learning | Using guided notes For more information: To be successful, PBL requires problem solving and critical thinking skills. See our Study Guides on Making decisions/solving problems and Thinking critically, and/or ask your teacher for help in developing collaborative skills. The role of argument: Through various stages of this process, you or your group will be expected to come to consensus on how to next proceed. While each member is expected to "argue" his or her viewpoint, the focus should be on the issues and reason, not personalities and emotion. If your group has difficulty, refer to your teacher for assistance as a mediator, and/or see the Guide Cooperative conflict resolution For more on working in groups, see Learning with others in the main index. For more on types of arguments, organization, evidence, as well as techniques in problem-based learning, see Dr. Larry D. Spence (Director, Undergraduate Learning Initiatives, Pennsylvania State University) "Problem Based learning: Lead to Learn, Learn to Lead .pdf version | .doc version See also: Problem-based Learning, especially in the context of large classes ________________________________________ 3 Research Based Education News Special Education Funding Commission comes to Bucks County Intermediate Unit in Doylestown Public Spirit & The Willow Grove Guide, 8/3/2013 5:15:49 AM The new Special Education Funding Commission made its first stop in Bucks County on a statewide tour to hear the concerns of districts and listen to expert opinions on a new funding formula. The commission held its third hearing in Doylestown at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit July 25. Throughout the summer, the 15-member commission will evaluate through research and expert opinions the way ... Read More Research Finds Emotional Intelligence of Martial Artists Higher Than General Population Newswise, 8/1/2013 4:42:35 PM An emerging body of research suggests social and emotional abilities play an important role in predicting personal and professional success. Chris Moser, Ed.D., assistant professor in the College of Education, and Cheri Hampton-Farmer, Ph.D., assistant professor and chair of communication, recently surveyed black belt martial artists to assess their emotional intelligence (EI), as compared to ... Read More Research and Markets: Fresh Talent Pool Landscape in 20 Emerging Countries Across Different IT, ITeS and Technology ... Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance, 7/31/2013 2:45:00 PM Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Fresh Talent Pool Landscape in 20 Emerging Countries" Read More More Related News > Research Based Education Shopping How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching $23.64 More > Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors $29.63 More > Research-Based Methods of Reading Instruction (Used) $23.95 $5.00 More > More Related Shopping > Research Based Education Videos Research-Based Science Education -- Dr.Travis Rector Research-Based Science Education -- Dr.Travis Rector, University of Alaska -- October 7, 2010 In this Department of Phsyics & Astronomy Colloquium, Dr. Rector ... The Fraser Institute: Evidence-Based Research and Education on ... The Fraser Institute is Canada's leading public policy think-tank. By measuring and analyzing the effects of government policies, we work to show Canadians how we can ... Cultural Humility in Community Based Participatory Research ... "Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices," is a new 30-minute documentary by Vivian Chávez, that mixes poetry with music, interviews, archival footage ... More Related Videos > • About WebCrawler • . • Site Map • . • Help • . • Privacy Policy • . • Terms of Use • . • Contact Us • • About • . • Dogpile • . • Careers • . • Press Room • . • Investor Relations © 2013 InfoSpace, Inc. All Rights Reserved Research Based Education News Special Education Funding Commission comes to Bucks County Intermediate Unit in Doylestown Public Spirit & The Willow Grove Guide, 8/3/2013 5:15:49 AM The new Special Education Funding Commission made its first stop in Bucks County on a statewide tour to hear the concerns of districts and listen to expert opinions on a new funding formula. The commission held its third hearing in Doylestown at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit July 25. Throughout the summer, the 15-member commission will evaluate through research and expert opinions the way ... Read More Research Finds Emotional Intelligence of Martial Artists Higher Than General Population Newswise, 8/1/2013 4:42:35 PM An emerging body of research suggests social and emotional abilities play an important role in predicting personal and professional success. Chris Moser, Ed.D., assistant professor in the College of Education, and Cheri Hampton-Farmer, Ph.D., assistant professor and chair of communication, recently surveyed black belt martial artists to assess their emotional intelligence (EI), as compared to ... Read More Research and Markets: Fresh Talent Pool Landscape in 20 Emerging Countries Across Different IT, ITeS and Technology ... Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance, 7/31/2013 2:45:00 PM Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Fresh Talent Pool Landscape in 20 Emerging Countries" Read More More Related News > Research Based Education Shopping How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching $23.64 More > Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors $29.63 More > Research-Based Methods of Reading Instruction (Used) $23.95 $5.00 More > More Related Shopping > Research Based Education Videos Research-Based Science Education -- Dr.Travis Rector Research-Based Science Education -- Dr.Travis Rector, University of Alaska -- October 7, 2010 In this Department of Phsyics & Astronomy Colloquium, Dr. Rector ... The Fraser Institute: Evidence-Based Research and Education on ... The Fraser Institute is Canada's leading public policy think-tank. By measuring and analyzing the effects of government policies, we work to show Canadians how we can ... Cultural Humility in Community Based Participatory Research ... "Cultural Humility: People, Principles and Practices," is a new 30-minute documentary by Vivian Chávez, that mixes poetry with music, interviews, archival footage ... More Related Videos > • About WebCrawler • . • Site Map • . • Help • . • Privacy Policy • . • Terms of Use • . • Contact Us • • About • . • Dogpile • . • Careers • . • Press Room • . • Investor Relations © 2013 InfoSpace, Inc. All Rights Reserved this prevents back forward cache
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